Dry Ice Cold Transport & Shipping Solutions
Need to ship something perishable across country? Dry ice may be the solution. Currently being used to keep critical COVID-19 vaccine extremely cold (-94°F or -70°C), ColdZERO dry ice works equally well for ice cream, meats, wild game, cheesecake and more. See below for more info on the cold shipping solutions we offer.
CAUTION: Because dry ice is so cold (-109.3°F or -78.5°C), anything that touches it directly will freeze. So packing it right is critical to getting the results you want. Check out our PACKING A COOLER GUIDE for tips. Don't forget to read the Safety Tips at the bottom of this page.

Dry Ice Nuggets
- Sold by the Pound
- Effectively Surrounds What is Being Shipped
- Blocks Cut to Size Also Available
- Volume-Priced, Per-LB Price Reduction for Orders of 500 LBS or More

Standard Shipping Boxes
- 13” x 13” x 13” Cardboard Box
- 12” x 12” x 1” Styrofoam Inserts on 4 Sides and Bottom
- 11” x 11” x 1” Styrofoam Insert for Top of Ice Minimizes Air Space
- Plastic Liner/Bag Holds Dry Ice for Ease of Use/Added Purity
- Top-Sealed with Dry Ice Warning Tape/Label
- Other Box Sizes Available by Order (Not in Stock)

Bulk Dry Ice - Pack Your Own On-Site
- Rolling, Insulated Totes Available for Larger Orders & Delivery
- Hold up to 500 LBS
- Measure 27” D x 42 ¼” W x 40 ¼” T
- Plastic Liner/Bag Holds Dry Ice for Ease of Use/Added Purity

Courier Service Flexibility
- Use Your Own or one of our Contracted Couriers
- Pricing Dependent on Timing/Distance (ie Twin Cities Metro $25 for 3-hour timeframe)

Dry ice is a highly effective, safe cooling tool when used and disposed of properly. Because it's so cold (-109.3°F or -78.5°C) and sublimates versus melting (which means that instead of melting it goes from a solid directly to a gaseous state), there are precautions to take when using it.
- WEAR GLOVES to protect your hands when handling dry ice. Because dry ice reaches extremely cold temperatures, it can burn bare skin.
- DO NOT put dry ice in any space that is not well ventilated OR store it in an air-tight container.
- NEVER leave dry ice unattended. It should always be kept out of the reach of children and animals.
- DO NOT ingest or use in drinks or beverages.
- When finished using dry ice, unwrap it (if necessary) and leave it at room temperature in a well-ventilated area out of reach of animals or children.
- NEVER put it in the garbage or down a sink drain or toilet as the extremely cold temperature can damage plumbing.
- To dispose of dry ice in your cooler, simply set it outside with the lid off or open.
- If you can't leave the dry ice outside, set it on a solid surface that can withstand cold temperatures.
- Be sure to open windows in the room, and keep the room ventilated as the dry ice evaporates!
- It will take several hours or days for the dry ice to fully sublimate, depending on conditions.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: For accidental ingestion, seek medical attention immediately and call 911. Panting, headaches and blue lips and fingernails are signs of overexposure to carbon dioxide. If necessary, call 911. Seek medical attention as needed for treatment of dry ice burns.